Tuesday 20 September 2016


It asks too little, yet begs to know more.

Lost in an ocean of questions with no sight of reaching the shore.

It begins every sentence with an array of never-ending why’s, how’s and what’s.

The answer it seeks seem to boggle the minds of everyone.
From Newton to Michelangelo and everyone in between, its presence has been acknowledged throughout the pages of history.

Denial its enemy and rejection its nightmare, its only savior lives in the palace of creativity.

Curiosity was the name it took, an identity created to save itself from being misunderstood.

Many became its followers, some even worshipped it daily.

All united to solve the mysteries beyond their understanding and what lay beyond meaning.

Unknown to the followers was an enmity being brewed by the shrewd minds of the neglected few.

Their numbers rose and soon they had a voice of support.

The perpetrators were none other than denial and rejection.

Hate and violence was all that they understood, slaying down anyone who spoke of good.

Cries of war grew louder, between imagination and deception, perception and misconception.

Thousands died, many left wounded but it was curiosity that was left astounded.

It tried to intervene, put an end to it all.

However, things took a turn for the worse when curiosity entered; striking down both, its supporters and oppressors.

The winds of change came as soon as the last one was felled.

The victim was neither the enemy nor friend.

Those who witnessed it were left stunned, silenced by what lay in front.

Years went by and all that remained was a simple question.

The answers to which were either in speculation or in contemplation.

Did curiosity killed the cat or was it the other way around?

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