They say stupidity is contagious, it spreads faster than a viral disease.
It's like monkey see, monkey do.
Everyone is stupid and does something stupid from time to time even if they won't admit it.
Even I admit that some of my actions or judgments are stupid.
But there exists a certain kind of stupidity which can be found in some people.
They might not even realize it, but everyone can admit that what they just did or said was stupid.
We call those people a special kind of stupid.
For example take politicians, almost all of them are stupid but there are some gems in that group whose words or actions might make you question their ability to run the country.
Imagine an ordinary classroom where the teacher is telling the students to mark all the necessary stuff that is going to come in the exam and study from it.
He even writes it on the board specifying what is important and what's not.
Once he's done, there will always be one, that one student who'll ask the teacher about the rest that's not marked important.
The teacher dumbfounded will ask him to repeat what he said and once realizing that he's just trying to act smart, make a straight face and explain it to that student once again.
Now since I mentioned that the student is only trying to act smart, will not get it and again ask the teacher.
This time not only the teacher but even the students would become aware of his stupidity and start mocking him,
Meanwhile the teacher leaves the classroom in the hope that the next class doesn't contain an idiot like that student.
That student is another example of special kind of stupid and you can find more like him/her in almost every class.
This thing happens even as you drive, the fellow ahead of you is a fine example of a good driver.
He follows all the traffic rules while driving in the highway until he comes to a halt at the traffic light.
That's when he'll show you his true colors.
He stops his car at lane going to the right and as the signal turns green he turns to the left.
He could have easily changed the lane and entered the one where he needed to turn.
That person's stupidity is unique and thus he's what we call a special kind of stupid.
Now let's change the scenario to a fast food joint.
People love to pig out at McD's or KFC and then comes the stupid people demanding healthy food from them.
Why don't they get it?
It's a fast food joint, the owners don't give a damn about the customer's health but are only concerned with customer's shelling out a lot of money each time they go there to eat.
But the special kind of stupid, they are the ones who don't care about all that, they will go there and they will eat healthy, so what if it's a fast food joint, they can always order a salad burger and a diet coke to go with it.
People if you do that, please don't, not only are your reasons stupid you'll look stupid as well.
As we've entered the golden age of internet, facebook, twitter, youtube etc. stupidity has evolved to the digital media.
I love to read the comments that are posted on the social media.
Firstly, if you are new to the internet there a few things that you should be aware of, trolls and photoshop.
Trolling is an art where someone posts a fake story about something and watches as a horde of netizens fall into their trap believing that the story is real.
Photoshop helps the trolls as the best tool to morph images to look real but are way too fake to resemble the actual image.
But people still believe it to be true and are offended or made fun of all the time.
Trolls live in the presence of stupid people as they know that these are the only one's who'd fall for their tricks.
The best example for it is the posts on facebook where if you share or write a certain comment on the post then something will happen, trust me nothing happens.
People will fall for those tricks but lets take it to another level.
The special kind one, they not only believe it to be true but even share it with others and try to convince them.
That's when you know that you are dealing with are really special kind of stupid person.
Comedians have it way worse than other regular people.
For comedians, the worst part of their act is when they have to explain a joke to someone.
It makes them think that their joke wasn't funny.
The problem is definitely not the joke but the person questioning it,
The person just doesn't gets it and he'll keep questioning him sometimes even about things unrelated to the joke.
At that point the comedian has only two options, either he give in to that persons query and answer it or he just goes ahead and makes fun of that fella.
The obvious choice is number two but sometimes newbies might given in and choose number one.
Well, as the saying goes, "Stupid is as stupid does", we'll never run out of these people.
You'll definitely meet them a lot of times and don't be confused or amazed at their stupidity, just shrug it off and tell them this,
"You're a special kind of stupid, aren't ya!"
It's like monkey see, monkey do.
Everyone is stupid and does something stupid from time to time even if they won't admit it.
Even I admit that some of my actions or judgments are stupid.
But there exists a certain kind of stupidity which can be found in some people.
They might not even realize it, but everyone can admit that what they just did or said was stupid.
We call those people a special kind of stupid.
For example take politicians, almost all of them are stupid but there are some gems in that group whose words or actions might make you question their ability to run the country.
Imagine an ordinary classroom where the teacher is telling the students to mark all the necessary stuff that is going to come in the exam and study from it.
He even writes it on the board specifying what is important and what's not.
Once he's done, there will always be one, that one student who'll ask the teacher about the rest that's not marked important.
The teacher dumbfounded will ask him to repeat what he said and once realizing that he's just trying to act smart, make a straight face and explain it to that student once again.
Now since I mentioned that the student is only trying to act smart, will not get it and again ask the teacher.
This time not only the teacher but even the students would become aware of his stupidity and start mocking him,
Meanwhile the teacher leaves the classroom in the hope that the next class doesn't contain an idiot like that student.
That student is another example of special kind of stupid and you can find more like him/her in almost every class.
This thing happens even as you drive, the fellow ahead of you is a fine example of a good driver.
He follows all the traffic rules while driving in the highway until he comes to a halt at the traffic light.
That's when he'll show you his true colors.
He stops his car at lane going to the right and as the signal turns green he turns to the left.
He could have easily changed the lane and entered the one where he needed to turn.
That person's stupidity is unique and thus he's what we call a special kind of stupid.
Now let's change the scenario to a fast food joint.
People love to pig out at McD's or KFC and then comes the stupid people demanding healthy food from them.
Why don't they get it?
It's a fast food joint, the owners don't give a damn about the customer's health but are only concerned with customer's shelling out a lot of money each time they go there to eat.
But the special kind of stupid, they are the ones who don't care about all that, they will go there and they will eat healthy, so what if it's a fast food joint, they can always order a salad burger and a diet coke to go with it.
People if you do that, please don't, not only are your reasons stupid you'll look stupid as well.
As we've entered the golden age of internet, facebook, twitter, youtube etc. stupidity has evolved to the digital media.
I love to read the comments that are posted on the social media.
Firstly, if you are new to the internet there a few things that you should be aware of, trolls and photoshop.
Trolling is an art where someone posts a fake story about something and watches as a horde of netizens fall into their trap believing that the story is real.
Photoshop helps the trolls as the best tool to morph images to look real but are way too fake to resemble the actual image.
But people still believe it to be true and are offended or made fun of all the time.
Trolls live in the presence of stupid people as they know that these are the only one's who'd fall for their tricks.
The best example for it is the posts on facebook where if you share or write a certain comment on the post then something will happen, trust me nothing happens.
People will fall for those tricks but lets take it to another level.
The special kind one, they not only believe it to be true but even share it with others and try to convince them.
That's when you know that you are dealing with are really special kind of stupid person.
Comedians have it way worse than other regular people.
For comedians, the worst part of their act is when they have to explain a joke to someone.
It makes them think that their joke wasn't funny.
The problem is definitely not the joke but the person questioning it,
The person just doesn't gets it and he'll keep questioning him sometimes even about things unrelated to the joke.
At that point the comedian has only two options, either he give in to that persons query and answer it or he just goes ahead and makes fun of that fella.
The obvious choice is number two but sometimes newbies might given in and choose number one.
Well, as the saying goes, "Stupid is as stupid does", we'll never run out of these people.
You'll definitely meet them a lot of times and don't be confused or amazed at their stupidity, just shrug it off and tell them this,
"You're a special kind of stupid, aren't ya!"
Bravo also has its charms..