Wednesday 10 July 2013

Gear Set Go!

A few days ago I was travelling in a BEST bus back to home from work, the bus was being driven by an old guy past his retirement age but going strong. 
The bus came to a halt at a stop and a guy tried to board it from the first entrance, I was standing ahead with a clear view of the driver and the road in front. 
The driver saw that fellow trying to board and in a persuasive and polite way he asked him to board from the back, 
The guy protested but seeing the age of the driver he complied and got off the steps, 
In that moment the signal turned green and the driver hit the pedal zooming ahead and leaving behind the man swearing at him, but the later journey wasn't all that fast paced as that signal incident, 
The driver made sure that the gear didn't go more than the 3rd and at times not leave the 2nd, even if the road ahead was empty for most cars to go ahead with ease, 
A few passengers were egging him on to hit the accelerator and avoid creating a traffic jam but he was busy swearing at other drivers to go fast. 
I managed to get off at my stop after a delay of 10-15 mins from the usual arrival time but it got me to thinking that why are we all in a hurry?
Whenever I used to take my car out to travel I would notice how really impatient the drivers would get even if they had to stop their cars for two seconds and how they would zoom ahead on an empty highway, whereas I who wanted to taste a bit of speed for myself felt restricted due to the presence of my mother in the backseat, but luckily she cannot stop me from speeding while I played NFS unless it was a call for lunch or dinner.
So getting back to the topic, this impatience is what I can say an Indian habit of ours, 
We are used to getting food faster than our paychecks and the day we don't get a seat in a local train is a sign of our day being bad, but is there really a way to change all of it? 
I'd say naah...cause it's easy to take an Indian out of India but you can't take India out of that Indian.
But it's true that we are in a hurry, well almost all of us, some people love being lazy, 
I count myself as one of them, though it's true I get up early every morning but not without a protest and stealing 5 more extra minutes of sleep, 
Being lazy is good but at times you have to be fast as well, as the saying goes the early bird gets the worm, but nobody asks what the worm gets, he gets death if you ask me.
Be fast in your life but you have to choose whether you want to be the worm or the bird that day.

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