Friday 12 July 2013

Rain, You Kidding Me!

Monsoon is typically the favorite weather of mumbaikars,
What makes them love this climate so much?
If you ask me then it has something to do with the summer,
Those 3 months of torturous heat makes you beg for the rains to come early
And when the first set of rains hit the city, everybody well almost everybody comes out to greet the rains, getting wet and all,
Some take on to the social media and describe how they love the smell of the rains, the taste of raindrop in their mouth and the weather outside, never actually going out in the rain,
While some go out and shop for new umbrellas and raincoats,
This new found love for the weather lasts for one week, sometimes two depending if it's sunny
Then comes a day when it rains way too much and that's when the love for the rain actually turns to hate
People cursing as how they got wet, reached office late as roads were water-logged and the trains, the life line of the city coming to a halt much to the dismay of regular travelers
Most places get flooded and while some find enjoyment in seeing the streets all filled with water for some its a kind of hell
The best part is played by the BMC and their planners about how to deal with potholes, the only solution that they ever come up every year is the same one they had for the last year which I guess must have been since the time the roads were invented.
My brother would often ask my mother whenever it rained, why couldn't it rain only in the night and why the whole day, 
To which my mother would reply, that the same thing people sleeping on the streets would say, why does it rain in the night and not only during the day.
My brother not having anything to say after that would shut up and change the topic as quick as he brought it up
Mothers, if there's a reason why they're called that then I guess what my mother said is a proper example.
I just being a spectator in their conversation left the room grinning at the ill luck of my brother as like him even I can't come up with a good come back to any of my mother's statements.
These rains do make me think and most of the people agree that the rain clouds have a mind of their own,
Unless you don't step out of your house to go somewhere or leave from a place to return home it won't rain
The rains want you to get drenched no matter how covered you are, if you think your umbrella can save you, then a little gust of wind is enough to blow it away from your head and let your face get wet.
There's still a couple of months to go until it stops raining but until then we have to deal with it , so don't think of keeping your rain gear locked in the cupboard if you ever see a sunny day one of these days, as you might have given up on the rains but I'm sure they won't have given up on you.

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